The Conscience Level Assessment will aid you in determining if your beliefs and actions are in alignment with the requirements for ascension, and achievement of self-perfection.
The assessment results determine your Conscience Level Assessment Score (CLAS).
Why do you need CLAS? And, how can our assessment and analysts help you?
In the sacred scriptures, Jesus states removal of the counterfeit spirit, (the negative, destructive, aspects of self) is a requirement for ascendance:
"And Mary again started forward and said: …"The fourth thought on the other hand concerning the word which thou hast said: 'If the soul goeth forth out of the body and travelleth on the way with the counterfeiting spirit, and if it hath not found the mystery of the undoing of all the bonds and the seals which are bound to the counterfeiting spirit, so that it may cease to haunt or be assigned to it,--if it then hath not found it, the counterfeiting spirit leadeth the soul to the Virgin of Light, the judge; and the judge, the Virgin of Light, proveth the soul and findeth that it hath sinned and, as she also hath not found the mysteries of the Light with it, she handeth it over to one of her receivers, and her receiver leadeth it and casteth it into the body, and it cometh not out of the changes of the body before it hath yielded its last circuit,'--concerning this word, then, my Lord, thou hast said unto us aforetime: 'Be reconciled with thy foe as long as thou art on the way with him, lest perchance thy foe hand thee over to the judge and the judge hand thee over to the servant and the servant cast thee into prison, and thou shalt not come forth out of that region till thou hast yielded the last farthing."
"Because of this manifestly is thy word: Every soul which cometh forth out of the body and travelleth on the way with the counterfeiting spirit and findeth not the mystery of the undoing of all the seals and all the bonds, so that it may undo itself from the counterfeiting spirit which is bound to it,--that soul which hath not found mysteries of the Light and hath not found the mysteries of detachment from the counterfeiting spirit which is bound to it,--if then it hath not found it, the counterfeiting spirit leadeth that soul to the Virgin of Light, and the Virgin of Light, yea that judge, handeth over that soul to one of her receivers, and her receiver casteth it into the sphere of the æons, and it cometh not out of the changes of the body before it hath yielded the last circuit which is appointed for it. This then, my Lord, is the fourth thought."
-- Chapter 113:2-7 the Sacred Teaching of Jesus Christ
It came to pass then, when Jesus had heard Mary say these words, that he said: "Well said, all-blessed Mary, spiritual [one]. These are the solutions of the words which I have spoken." ...
-- Chapter 114:1 Sacred Teaching of Jesus Christ
CLAS Analysts help you answer the assessment questions to ensure you have an as accurate as possible conscience level score, so you can determine how close you are to eliminating negatives from your life.
They also help you understand your CLAS Trends and to associate patterns that inhibit your development.
An Analyst is available to assist you Monday through Friday, from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm CST -- an appointment is required.
Your donation is appreciated and helps to fund our work.
Approach the CLAS assessment with absolute honesty.
The results will only be shared with your Spiritual Advisor.
Answer the questions after you thoroughly examine your thoughts, actions, and feelings. Most importantly - tell the truth.
Self-perfection can only be achieved by acknowledging both the positive and negative aspects of yourself.
To maintain electronic daily/weekly/monthly/annual scores of your assessments, to track and analyze your growth or decline over time, register for Control Key Life Style - Support Services.
Or, you can take the guest's assessment as often as you like and track your results yourself.
Your donations help maintain our websites and AdvanCN's support staff, are appreciated, and vital to the health of our mission.
AdvanCN has a Divine Directive to ensure that anyone requiring Spiritual Counseling services, based on their Conscience Level Assessment Score, be provided with services, regardless of their ability to offer financial compensation for the services rendered.
Your donation helps to ensure everyone in need of a Conscience Level Assessment Analysis and Support Services receive the help they require to achieve their full potential.
Making the world a better place begins with ensuring people are physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy.
Your financial donations will be used to cover operational costs and to pay the salaries of Control Key and Life Support Help Center Personnel.
360 Existence theology is the belief and desire to return to one's original state of existence upon the completion of the challenges life brings to bear.
The CLAS assessment created by AdvanCN, makes use of the Existence and Conscience Level Calculator, used to determine the levels of creation within Jesus' Scared Teachings.
The classification of people throughout the ages has been established to determine commonality and like-mindedness for self-protection.
Gender, race, religion, color, social class; as well as occupational position-hierarchies: workers, managers, and lords, as well as other segmentations, were and are used to establish one’s place on the social ladder.
The classifications used by AdvanCN are based on sound logic, facts, and on the best practices of reason.
A person's gender, race, education level, or their monetary designation of rich or poor cannot determine their potential to harm another being. Nor do these designations establish the true level of knowledge an individual has obtained; nor do they assure commonality of fundamental beliefs.
CLAS classification is a guide to help individuals measure their personal spiritual and conscience development, so they may obtain personal perfection. CLAS is not, nor should it be, used to determine rights, nor access to resources.
One's true CLAS can only be determined by the individual, from the truth within their soul, which is reflected in their actions, and the effects they produce.
To Advance, we must see into our core and will our destiny.
... let's get started."
Assess Your CLAS Now ---->