Holistic Non-surgical Drug-Free Natural Food Weight Loss Based in Science, Nutrition, and Spirituality
Control Key Life Style is Conscious Weight Control. We encourage self-accountability, conscience awareness, and the consumption of animal-free products and fresh living foods that have not been genetically modified.
You will learn to manifest through visualization the body you desire and uncover the core issues that have prevented your weight loss. And, you will learn the techniques and strategies that ensure long-term weight loss success.
We teach you how to make positive choices for optimal health and the techniques for self-mastery. You will learn how to construct the body and life you desire, and connect to networks that help you to achieve your vision.
You can become a confident, positive-minded, self-motivated, accountable individual with a healthy mind, body, and spirit who achieves weight loss and life success.
MIND BODY AND SOUL RE-CONNECTION We combine nutrition, physical fitness, mental focus techniques, and core belief definition to help you regain control.
WHY WE DO IT Self-Mastery Specialists have taken an oath to empower and enlighten themselves and every life they touch. Our goal is to aid in the healing of broken hearts, spirits, and minds by helping the individual return to their original state of unity and clarity.
Individual and Group Instruction, Motivation Mentors, and Interactive Discussions and Demonstrations. We provide a supportive environment that promotes self-healing, self and group acceptance, as well as intellectual and spiritual growth.
Daily group support and low impact workouts, One-2-One mentoring, daily events and activities, retreats, seminars, after-school and art programs, job training and placement assistance.
Dining, Local Farmers Market, and natural foods at co-op prices are available onsite (delivery and pickup).
The Four Key Elements of Self-Control
Nutri Phit
Nutri Phit is a new way of thinking about and interacting with your food and how your body responds to it. Nutri Phit fresh and natural meals are prepared daily with onsite chefs. Recipes and certified vendor meals are tailored for your body to achieve the best health results. You will also learn techniques to help control intake and learn which foods are right for your body. We will help you determine which foods reduce your weight and produce optimal health.
Power Phit
Natural physical fitness and physical focus techniques build strength and produce the results you desire without overexertion and harm to the body. Power Phit workouts are low-impact routines you can utilize at home, in the office, or while traveling. No exercise equipment is required nor necessary.
Focus Phit
Self-control and mental focus techniques that help you gain mastery over urges that could hinder your weight loss and life success. Focus Phit expands your consciousness, helps maintain the connection between mind, body, and spirit; forms clarity of cause and effect, and enhances understanding of your mental processes.
Core Phit
Philosophical concepts that help guide you to inner peace and back to core belief and action alignment. Core Phit logic is basic nature theory that nurtures you in a loving nonintrusive manner that does not attempt to manipulate, nor convert. We help you examine your beliefs, morals, and actions, based on Universal Laws so you can determine the effects of your life choices.
One-2-One and Group Intensives hone in on the root cause of your obesity -- you. While some clients have actual medical conditions that cause their obesity, most have caused their condition because of a lack of nutritional knowledge, limited or no exercise, an unhealthy mind, dissociation of actions and effects, and a destructive, negative, or unconscious soul.