

AdvanCN is a divine order, education institute, and a developer of social and economic initiatives.

Our mission is to ensure the advancement and ascendance of mankind, regardless of religious designation, race, nationality, or gender and to unify believers for a peaceful reformation of unjust laws, policies, and exploitive monetary, economic, and social systems to enable fulfillment of the promised peace that mankind may be found worthy and ready for ascension. 

Visit our social-economic website: Advancian.org
Donate to our 501c3 Initiative fund: NFPInitiatives.org



1. Books of the Saviour - The Sacred Bible

2. Jesus' teachings within the Holy Bible



Books of the Saviour

The Books of the Saviour details the mysteries we must understand and the renoucements we must adhere to if we are to inherit the Heavens.

The following renouncements should be adhered to prior to receiving the teachings:

Renouncements 01 



Amen Code

Amen Code is the visual decipherment of the advanced teachings and the cipher to the mysteries Jesus taught his disciples prior to his death and upon his resurrection.

The Amen Code discourse delineates the mathematical revelation of the existence of the Heavens and the Ineffable God. 


Advancian – Systemic Reform Solutions

AdvanCN’s second manifesto, details strategic solutions for social and economic justice that will help to remove the yoke of systemic injustice to ensure all God’s children have the social and economic systems that will ignite man’s best nature, so that we may heal ourselves and our world.




When one understands Jesus' teachings within the Holy Bible and the Books of the Saviour, one understands that the ideology of acceptable corruption and exploitation are not the systems God desires for his children, nor should they be the foundations societies are built upon.

AdvanCN's goal is not to build temples of worship to God, but systems with processes that are compliant with the constructive effects of Divine Law that will ensure justice, prevent poverty, and remove the counterfeit spirit from mankind -- that which allows, accepts, and justifies corruption and abuses.


Read the Books of the Saviour Online  - or -  Purchase the Print Edition